
Isosceles Dispersive Prisms

Isosceles Dispersive Prisms
Isosceles Dispersive Prisms Isosceles Dispersive Prisms

  Materials: UV grade fused silica (UVFS), CaF2 crystal,
   N-SF10, N-SF11, N-SF57, N-SF66, N-BK7, N-LAK21 or
N-LAF35 glass.
  Become a Brewster prism at the proper apex angle with an extremely
   small loss for p-polarized beam.

  Widely used for  precise GVD compensation in femtosecond lasers.

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Basic Properties of Fused Silica Glass:

Transparency Range: 185 - 2300 nm

material-fs.GIF (12258 bytes)

Transmission Curve

Density:  2.2 g/cm3
Thermo-Optic Coefficients:
dn/dT= 1.0 x 10-5 /oC
Optical Homogeneity: Δn < 10-6 /cm
Mohs Hardness:  7
Thermal Conductivity: 1.4 W/m/K
Thermal Expansion Coefficient: α = 0.54 x 10-6 /K

Sellmeier Equations: (λ in μm) :
n2=1 +  0.69617λ2/(λ2 - 0.00468) + 0.40794λ2/(λ2 - 0.01351) +  0.89748 λ2/(λ2 - 97.93400)  

Wavelength (nm) Index of refraction
1550 1.4440
1320 1.4466
1064 1.4496
800 1.4533
632.8 1.4570
532 1.4607
400 1.4701
355 1.4761
266 1.4997
213 1.5352


Basic Properties of SF11 and N-SF11 Glass:



N-SF11 (RoHS)
Transparency Range 410 - 2000 nm 410 - 2000 nm
Density  4.8 g/cm3 3.2 g/cm3
Thermo-Optic Coefficients (dn/dT) 6.6 x 10-6 /oC -2.1 x 10-6 /oC
Optical Homogeneity  Δn < 10-4 /cm  Δn < 10-4 /cm
Knoop Hardness  450 615
Abrasion Aa N/A 187
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 8.2 x 10-6 /K 9.4 x 10-6 /K
Thermal Conductivity  0.74 W/m/K 0.95 W/m/K

Sellmeier Equations
 (λ in μm):

n2=1+1.73848λ2/( λ2 - 0.013607 ) + 0.31117λ2/(λ2-0.061596)+1.17491 λ2/(λ2-121.92271)   n2=1+1.73760λ2/( λ2 - 0.013189) + 0.31375λ2/(λ2-0.062307)+ 1.89878 λ2/(λ2-155.23629)
Wavelength (nm) Refractive Index
1550 1.7447 1.7434
1320 1.7486 1.7478
1064 1.7543 1.7539
800 1.7648 1.7646
632.8 1.7786 1.7786
532 1.7948 1.7948

Transmission curve of SF11:





Isosceles Prism Specifications:

Dimension Tolerance: +0.0, - 0.2 mm
Flatness: λ/6 at 632.8 nm
Surface Quality: 40-20 scratch and dig
Clear Aperture: > 80%
Bevel: 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm x 45o
Apex Angle Tolerance:
 < 5'

Apex angle vs. Brewster Wavelength:

Note:  The surface loss of p-polarized light incident at ~ Brewster angle is not sensitive to the Apex angle.


 Apex Angle Φ (deg)

Fused silica 69.1
(Brewster @ 800 nm)
(Brewster @ 600 nm)
N-SF11 59.0
(Brewster @ 800 nm)
N-SF10 60.6
(Brewster @ 800 nm)
N-BK7 67.0
(Brewster @ 800 nm)
CaF2 69.9
(Brewster @ 800 nm)
(Brewster @ 266 nm)
N-LAK21 63.0
(Brewster @ 400 nm)
N-LAF35 58.9
(Brewster @ 400 nm)


GVD and TOD @ 800nm:

Material GVD @ 800 nm TOD @ 800 nm Apex Angle Refractive Index @ 800 nm
UVFS -16.5 fs2/cm -20 fs3/cm 69.1° 1.453
SF10 -97.5 fs2/cm -388 fs3/cm 60.6° 1.711
CaF2 -5 fs2/cm -12 fs3/cm 69.9° 1.430


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