Basic Properties of Fused Silica Glass

Transparency Range: 185 - 2300 nm

material-fs.GIF (12258 bytes)

Transmission Curve

Density:  2.2 g/cm3
Thermo-Optic Coefficients:
dn/dT= 1.0 x 10
-5 /oC
Optical Homogeneity: Δn < 10-6/cm
Mohs Hardness:  7
Thermal Conductivity: 1.4 W/m/K
Thermal Expansion Coefficient: α = 0.54 x 10-6/K

Sellmeier Equations: (λ in μm) :
n2=1 +  0.69617λ2/(λ2 - 0.00468) + 0.40794λ2/(λ2 - 0.01351) +  0.89748 λ2/(λ2 - 97.93400)  

Wavelength(nm) Index of refraction
1550 1.4440
1320 1.4466
1064 1.4496
800 1.4533
632.8 1.4570
532 1.4607
400 1.4701
355 1.4761
266 1.4997
213 1.5352


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