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Thin BiBO Crystals

Thin BiBO Crystals
Thin BiBO Crystals Thin BiBO Crystals Thin BiBO Crystals

BiBO crystal features a large effective nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold and inertness to moisture. In particular for frequency conversions of ultrafast pulses to the wavelength range of violet/blue/green, its effective nonlinear coefficient can be 1.5-2 times higher than that of BBO crystal and 3.5-4 times that of LBO crystal.

BiBO products on this page are thin crystals (0.1 - 3 mm) developed for applications with femtosecond or picosecond lasers.

For thicker BiBO products (T > 3 mm),  please visit Thick BiBO crystals.

Application Examples:

BiBO for efficient SHG of fs pulses from Ti:S lasers to produce 375-425 nm
BiBO for 990 mW, 52% efficient, high-repetition-rate 2.4 ps generation in blue
BiBO crystals used for fs OPO pumped by 400 nm for tunable visible light
BiBO for fs OPA pumped by 800 nm for tunable IR light 

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Structural and Physical Properties:


Crystal Structure    Monoclinic, Point group 2    
Lattice Parameters a=7.116 Å, b=4.993 Å, c=6.508 Å, β=105.6°, Z =2
Melting Point 726°C    
Mohs Hardness 5 - 5.5
Specific Heat 0.5 J/gm-K at 330 K
Thermal Expansion 4.8x10-5[X], 4.4x10-6[Y], -2.69x10-5[Z]
Density 5.033 g/cm3

Optical Properties:

Transmission Range 286-2500 nm 286-2500 nm
(Transmission Curve @200-800nmTransmission Curve @190-2600nm
NLO Coefficients d11=2.53 pm/V, d12=2.93 pm/V, d13=-1.93 pm/V, d14=1.63 pm/V,
d25=1.67 pm/V, d26=3.48 pm/V
d35=-1.58 pm/V, d36=1.67 pm/V
(defined in the principal optical axes xyz: nz>ny>nx, x-1, y-2, z-3)
Refractive Indices @539.75 nm: nx = 1.7874, ny = 1.8190, nz = 1.9620
@1079.5 nm: nx = 1.7569, ny = 1.7835, nz = 1.9166
Sellmeier Equations
(λ in µm)

Application examples:

WB01158_1.GIF (255 bytes) SHG and THG for middle and high power Nd: lasers at 1064 nm
WB01158_1.GIF (255 bytes) SHG and THG for high power Nd: lasers at 1342 &1319 nm for red and blue laser
WB01158_1.GIF (255 bytes) SHG for the Nd: Lasers at 914 nm & 946 nm for blue laser. Over 2.8 W CW blue
  @473 nm was obtained from frequency doubling of 4.6 W CW Nd:YAG @ 946 nm with BiBO
WB01158_1.GIF (255 bytes) Optical Parametric Amplifiers (OPA) and Oscillators (OPO)

Comparison of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Crystals for SHG @ 946 nm

Crystals Length
Output Power(W)
Conversion  Efficiency
BiBO 10.4 3.3 40.7 2.8 63%
LBO 10 0.81 11.3 1.52 33%
BBO 8 2.0 60.3 2.1 47%


Specifications of Thin BiBO Products:

Wavefront Distortion: less than λ/8  @ 633 nm
Dimension Tolerance:  (W+/-0.1 mm) x (H+/-0.1 mm) x (L+0.2/-0.1 mm)
Clear Aperture: > 90% central area
Flatness: λ/8 @ 633 nm
Surface Quality:  Scratch/Dig 10/5 per MIL-O-13830A
Parallelism:     better than 20 arc seconds
Angle Tolerance:      Δθ < 0.25o, Δφ < 0.25o




Single-band, dual-band or broad-band AR coatings on BiBO crystals are available upon request.

Coating curves (Typical):

AR800/400 nm, AR1064/532 nm, AR1550/775 nm, AR1850/925 nm, BBAR centered ~ 700 nm



For customer convenience thin crystals ( length =< 3 mm) are mounted in a standard 1" anodized aluminum (Al) mount.  Thick crystals can be mounted in a 1" holder upon request. The mounted crystals may be further mounted in a conventional 1" mirror mount to be angle tuned for phase matching ( mirror mounts and posts are not included ).   

BiBO Crystal Handling

The susceptibility to moisture of BiBO is very low. However, users are advised to provide dry conditions for both use and storage of BiBO to prolong the lifetime. Water condensation on crystal surfaces should be absolutely avoided at any time.

Cleaning the Crystals

Dust and stains on crystal surfaces can cause scattering/loss of light and can even react with light to damage optical surfaces at a high incident laser power.

You can inspect the crystal surface for dust and stains by holding it near a bright visible-light source. Viewing at different angles helps to see scattering from dust and stains. The crystal surface has to be cleaned if dust and stains are found.

You should perform the following cleaning procedures in a clean, low-dust environment while wearing powder-free gloves or finger cots.

1. Blowing off the crystal surface

A canister of compressed N2/clean air or a blower bulb ( ) should be first used to blow off dust and other loose contaminants. If a dry nitrogen line is available in the lab, an air gun can also be used  to blow away dust particles. Blow off the surface gently. Do not blow off the crystal itself from your hand !

2. Drop and Drag Method

Hold the crystal so that the crystal surface is horizontal and slightly above your fingers. Take a fresh, clean sheet of lens tissue and place it on the crystal.  Make sure the lens tissue can be drawn across the crystal surface. Next place a small drop of pure isopropyl alcohol (IPA) on the lens tissue on top of the crystal surface. The weight of the solvent will cause the lens tissue to come into contact with the crystal surface. Slowly but steadily drag the damp lens tissue across the crystal surface being careful not to lift the lens tissue off of the surface. Continue dragging the lens tissue until it is off of the surface.

The amount of the solvent can be adjusted for various crystal size so the lens tissue is kept damp for the entire drag but there is not any visible trace of solvent on the crystal surface after the drag is finished. Inspect the surface and repeat if necessary, but only use each sheet of lens tissue once.

If the crystal surfaces are still “dirty” after the above cleaning procedures, the surfaces might have been damaged. Please contact us for rework of the crystals.


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